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Manage Certificates and Certificate Stores Implement a File Identification System using Hash 
  Create and Verify Digital Signatures
In symmetric (conventional) cryptography, the same key is used for both encryption and decryption. Public key cryptography, on the other hand, uses a pair of keys, usually referred to as a public key and private key.

A private key is a function of two large prime numbers, and the corresponding public key is a function of the product of these numbers (also known as modulus.) Although the two keys are mathematically related it is computationally infeasible to deduce one from the other. While the private key must be kept secret, the public key can be made available to anyone. The most commonly used public key cryptography algorithm is RSA.

A message encrypted with a public key can only be decrypted by the corresponding private key. The opposite is also true: if a message is encrypted by a private key it can only be decrypted by the corresponding public key.

Under the first scenario, Alice can encrypt a message with Bob's public key and send it to Bob. No one else but Bob can read the message as only he has the required private key. Therefore, Alice can use public key cryptography to send encrypted messages to Bob.

Under the second scenario, Alice can encrypt a message using her private key. Bob can only decrypt this message using Alice's public key, so he knows the message must have been sent by Alice. Therefore, Alice can use public key cryptography to create digital signatures.

Since public key algorithms are extremely slow, it is not practical to encrypt the entire message using one's public or private key. When sending an encrypted message, the message is encrypted with a random symmetric key and it is that symmetric key that gets encrypted using the recipient's public key and bundled with the message. When creating a digital signature, a one-way hash is computed from the message and it is the hash value that gets encrypted with the sender's private key.

  Digital Signing with AspEncrypt
An instance of the CryptoHash object is always created via the CryptoContext object's CreateHash method. As discussed earlier, CryptoContext is associated with a certain key container which usually contains two key pairs, Key Exchange key and Signature key.

The CryptoHash object offers a method, Sign, which encrypts the underlying hash value with one of the two private keys associated with this hash object's cryptographic context. This method accepts a Boolean argument. If it is set to True, the key exchange key is used. Otherwise the signature key is used. The Sign method returns a CryptoBlob object containing the encrypted blob.

The following code snippet creates a digital signature for a file:

<!--METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" UUID="{B72DF063-28A4-11D3-BF19-009027438003}"-->

Set CM = Server.CreateObject("Persits.CryptoManager")
Set Context = CM.OpenContext("mycontainer", True )
Set Hash = Context.CreateHash
Hash.AddFile "d:\somefile.txt"
Set Blob = Hash.Sign( True )
HexValue = Blob.Hex

' Export public key to file
Set Key = Context.GetUserKey( True )
Key.ExportToFile Nothing, "d:\public.key", cbtPublicKeyBlob

The last line exports the corresponding public key to a file. Notice that the ExchangeKey argument of the ExportToFile method is set to Nothing as no encryption is needed when exporting public keys.

  Verifying Signatures

The signature verification process goes as follows:

1. Decrypt the signature using the signer's public key.
2. Compute your own hash value of the file or message.
3. Compare values obtained in Steps 1 and 2. If they match the signature is verified.

To validate a signature with AspEncrypt, use CryptoHash's VerifySignature method which accepts two arguments: a CryptoBlob object containing the signature being verified and a CryptoKey object containing a public key that corresponds to the private key used to create the signature. This method returns True if the signature is verified, and False otherwise. To verify the Hex value created by the code snippet above, you may use the following code:

Set CM = Server.CreateObject("Persits.CryptoManager")
Set Context = CM.OpenContext("mycontainer", True )
Set Hash2 = Context.CreateHash
Hash2.AddFile "d:\somefile.txt"
Set Blob2 = CM.CreateBlob
Blob2.Hex = HexValue

Set Key2 = Context.ImportKeyFromFile( Nothing, "d:\public.key", 0 )

If Hash2.VerifySignature(Blob2, Key2 ) Then
   Response.Write "Signature validated."
   Response.Write "Signature not validated."
End If

  Certificate-based Signature Creation and Verification

The previous examples assume that the key pair being used to create and verify a signature is located in an arbitrary key container. To verify a signature, we had to export the public key into a file and transfer it to a location where verification takes place.

In real world, public keys usually "live" inside digital certificates. Although certificate management functionality will be covered in detail in the next section, we are still going to show you what the signature creation and verification code may look like when certificates are involved. These snippets below will make much more sense once you learn more about certificates and certificate stores in the next sections.

The following code obtains a certificate by its serial number from a certificate store, and uses its private key context to create the hash object. This way signing will be performed using this certificate's private key:

Set CM = Server.CreateObject("Persits.CryptoManager")
Set Store = CM.OpenStore("MY", True)
' obtain certificate by its serial number from store
Set Cert = Store.Certificates("F56C 31F6 0B4F 7D82 4D01 05A7 334E 2B1C")

' obtain private key context corresponding to this certificate
Set Context = Cert.PrivateKeyContext

' We are signing a text string this time
Set Hash = Context.CreateHash
Hash.AddText "some text"
Set Blob = Hash.Sign(True)
Response.Write Blob.Hex

Naturally, the corresponding verification process involves the certificate's public key. We no longer need to send the public key separately to the verifying party. Instead, we can send the certificate itself in a file with the extension .cer. The Certificate Manager application which comes with IE5 will help you export the signing certificate to a .cer file. You can also do it programmatically using the method Cert.ExportToFile.

Here is the certificate-based signature verification code:

Set CM = Server.CreateObject("Persits.CryptoManager")
Set Cert = CM.ImportCertFromFile("c:\mycert.cer")

' extract public key from this certificate
Set Context = CM.OpenContext("mycontainer", True)
Set Key = Context.ImportKeyFromCert(Cert)

' re-create hash
Set Hash = Context.CreateHash
Hash.AddText "some text"

' Populate blob object with value obtained from signing
Set Blob = CM.CreateBlob
Blob.Hex =
<signature value in Hex format>
If Hash.VerifySignature(Blob, Key) Then
   Response.Write "Signature validated."
   Response.Write "Signature not validated."
End If

  The Need for a Certification Authority

We use public keys to verify signatures or encrypt messages. But how can we be sure that the owner of the public key is who we think it is? The short answer is: we can't. For a public key cryptography system to function, an independent trusted third party is needed to bundle people's names and addresses with their public keys and sign the bundle with its own private key. Such parties are called Certification Authorities (CA) and the signed packages that contain people's personal info and public keys are called digital certificates (or digital IDs), which is the topic of the next section.

Implement a File Identification System using Hash  Manage Certificates and Certificate Stores

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